Thursday, May 23, 2013

Xbox One, PS4, hardware backwards compatibility and why don't my Sony BetaMax tapes play in my Sony Blu-ray player!

Given my belief that as a society at large we feel that we are entitled to so many things without necessarily having to work for them I am not surprised people are complaining (again) that next generation video game consoles are not fully backwards compatible with previous hardware releases by that same manufacturer.

Should I be angry with Sony that my BetaMax movies don't play on my Sony 3D Blu-ray movie player?  I mean, seriously, I bought a movie that worked on my BetaMax unit that Sony built so shouldn't they ensure backwards compatibility exists on all future hardware devices they manufacture that also play movies?!

The notion that innovation should be stifled in order to allow for older versions of a game, film, or piece of software to remain compatible with all future iterations of a device is ludicrous to me and indicative of a sentiment where we want everything, or as much as possible, for almost nothing.  Or that at the very least not having to possibly pay for it again. 

We pirate films, music, and games trading them among friends yet complain when one of those mediums or intellectual properties doesn't live up to our expectations. Artists and studios need to be compensated for their work and we as individuals should pay for the amazing creative work we enjoy.  Period. 

I also want to throw in this last thought for those who are in an uproar about Microsoft's presentation not featuring enough actual video game detail in it as several of the memes and posts floating around the web/Facebook are indicating.  If you didn't know that the XBOX ONE video game system will play video games then I would suggest you stick to buying board games from your local hobby shop. With E3 being just a few weeks away and I am sure Microsoft will show off some of the 15 new launch titles that includes 8 new franchises during that event.

In my opinion if you want to play your current games, watch your purchased (or most likely pirated) films and in the format you purchased them in nothing will keep from retaining the piece of hardware you have that will allow you to enjoy those pieces of media. 

It is really that simple.